Why foster?

Fostering saves lives! Not only are you helping the dog who stays with you, but you are also opening up a spot at the shelter for a dog who might otherwise have been put to sleep due to lack of space. Senior dogs deserve to live the remainder of their lives in a home with a soft bed, toys and treats…not in a cage, at risk for euthanasia. The more fosters we have, the more dogs we can save!

From the shelter to a loving foster home…

Fostering FAQs

Q: How long will I be expected to foster the dog and what happens if I can no longer foster?

A: We ask that you foster until a suitable forever home is found for the dog. It's impossible to know how long it will take a dog to find a home so please be prepared to have the dog for several months (or more) if necessary.

Q: Am I responsible for the dog’s medical bills? Can I use my own vet?

A: Emma's Wish will cover all medical expenses for the foster dog. You will need to take the dog to one of the designated rescue vets. However, if your vet is willing to work within our budget, it might be an option.

Q: Will you provide food and supplies?

A: We will provide these items when we can, but ask that you be willing to help if necessary.

Q: Can I adopt my foster dog?

A: Certainly! People do "foster fail" from time to time, which means they adopt their foster.